Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Highs and Lows For This Week.

I had a great run Monday. I was able to run my first sub-30 minute 3 miler. This is a long way from my PR which is 18:38, which I ran when I was 17. The next day, however, I had a horrible run. I intended to run 5 miles, but stopped at 3.5 miles. I was glad to have Wednesday off. I have two races on the calendar. I am hoping to run a 25K in February, and maybe a marathon in April. My plan for now is to run the Oklahoma City Marathon, but I might changed it to a local trail 50K in Little Rock. I ran 16 miles for my long run this week. I did bleachers at the local football field toward the end of my run. I closed the week with a 3 mile easy run.

Friday, January 11, 2008

This Week in Running

This was my best week in running in over 7 years! I have now been on the comeback trail for about 5 weeks. I ran 3 miles on Monday. I ran 5 miles on Tuesday for a tempo run. I ran 3 miles on Thursday, this was my hill workout. Today, I ran 15 miles overall I had a great run, but struggled with my sugar levels mid-way through the run. I ate a protein bar, and that did the trick. I tried something new this week in my long distance run---I ran a 5 to 1 run walk ratio. Previously, I did a 15 minute run and 5 minute walk. I couldn't really tell a difference in the two approaches. Tomorrow, I will run 3 miles to close out a 29 mile week.